Posted by : Unknown Saturday, February 1, 2014

This is a quick picture demo on making a custom hairsculpt for your 3.75 inch action figure particular for long-haired characters.

This method uses Procreate putty by with a mixture ratio of 60% hardener (dark) and 40% resin(white) , this is to produce a result with a rubbery feel so that the hair strands wont break or crack , and would just go along with the heads movement.

1. After mixing the putty , roll strips as thin as it can get in a desired length. Group each strip into fours or fives.
2. Attach one end of each group of strands to the head beginning from the back bottom .
3. While attaching the strands , using your tools , you can bend or curl it in your desired style.
4. In about 30 minutes the putty starts to lose adhesion so better put a superglue on the area you are attaching it first.
5. When its dry usually in an hour you can paint it starting from the insides underneath, then the outer area.

6. Keep practicing and experimenting, i hope this helped.

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  1. Myke, you're an inspiration, thanks a bunch!
    Greetings from Brazil


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